Tag: shaped

Solstices brought Mayan communities together, using monuments shaped by science and religion – and kingly ambitions, too

K’ahk’ Uti’ Witz’ K’awiil knew his history. For 11 generations, the Mayan ruler’s dynasty had ruled Copan, a city-state near today’s border between Honduras and Guatemala. From the fifth century C.E. into the seventh century, scribes painted his ancestors’ genealogies into manuscripts and carved them in stone monuments throughout the city. Around 650, one particular […]

How an F-16 flight on 9/11 shaped National Guard’s No. 2

Inside the cockpit of his F-16, contemplating the horrific and impossible task his country might require of him, then-Lt. Col. Marc Sasseville was overcome with a gutting realization: “We had failed.” The United States’ defenses had not stopped terrorists from hijacking American passenger planes on Sept. 11, 2001, or from flying them into the World […]

This planet-forming disk shaped like a comet is struggling to survive

In the Orion Nebula lies a host of bizarre, teardrop-shaped objects. They look like strange comets, but are in fact evaporating, planet-forming disks around young stars. Astronomers are perplexed by the existence of these disks, because they should have been destroyed long ago. This  puzzling nature, however, makes them enticing targets for study — and […]

How 50 Years Of Eagle Experience Has Shaped The Advanced F-15

The F-15 Eagle is one of the world’s most prolific fighter aircraft, having been in production for 50 years and accrued an impressive service record that includes over 100 aerial victories. Today, an all-new variant is rolling off the Boeing manufacturing line in St. Louis, Missouri, which is where we begin “Eagle Month” – a […]

Students from Topeka’s all-Black schools recall how segregation shaped lives

People talk May 18, 2024, outside the front gate of the Brown v. Board of Education National Historical Park, formerly Monroe Elementary School. The site hosted a reunion of former students from Topeka’s all-Black elementary schools to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision. (Cuyler Dunn for Kansas […]