Tag: Sense

Is Whirlpool Being Taken Over? Here’s Why It Would Make Sense.

Whirlpool (NYSE: WHR) stock rose 17% on the day news broke that Bosch is interested in acquiring the company. Although both companies have declined to comment, a deal would make sense for both parties. Here’s why. Whirlpool receives interest According to Reuters, diversified industrial company Bosch is looking at buying Whirlpool to bolster its household appliances […]

Making Sense of the Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Ruling

From the The Collision on The Dispatch Welcome again to The Collision. We’re back early this week because we finally got a decision from the Supreme Court on presidential immunity. Sort of. We’ll explain it all down below, then we’ll be taking the rest of the week off for the holiday. Meanwhile, we’ll take a […]

This North Carolina hidden gem provides a sense of peace and tranquility free of charge

From overlooked roadside attractions to offbeat museums and obscure natural wonders, Local Hidden Gems will showcase some of the unique and unexpected treasures that make America extraordinary. We will emphasize charm, surprise and delight. Local hidden gem: New Hanover County Arboretum With the North Carolina beaches getting crowded with tourists, you may find yourself wanting to […]

Sense of disenfranchisement blunts Trump verdict in Fairmont

Jun. 1—FAIRMONT — Apathy robbed the Donald Trump verdict of impact among residents of Fairmont on Friday. “I don’t keep up with politics because there’s never been anybody worth keeping up with,” Lena Maxwell, 28, said. “The only person I’ve kept up with so far that has ever ran is Kennedy. Other than that, nobody’s […]

Land-Based Variant Of China’s J-35 Naval Stealth Fighter Makes Sense

The best evidence has emerged of renewed work on a land-based version of China’s FC-31/J-35 stealth fighter. Progressively clearer photos of one of Shenyang’s prototype fighters seem to reveal key features different from those found on the carrier-based J-35, on which development had been more recently focused. This may well tie in with official Pakistani […]

AI is cracking a hard problem – giving computers a sense of smell

Over 100 years ago, Alexander Graham Bell asked the readers of National Geographic to do something bold and fresh – “to found a new science.” He pointed out that sciences based on the measurements of sound and light already existed. But there was no science of odor. Bell asked his readers to “measure a smell.” […]