Tag: selfie

Mt. Everest tourists throw punches over the perfect selfie position

This is peak stupidity. Don’t call it a peace summit: Footage captured the ludicrous moment two tourist couples brawled with each other over a viewing spot near Mount Everest. The kerfuffle reportedly occurred on June 25 after two groups of tourists, who were believed to be Chinese, simultaneously converged on the 8848 Viewing Platform, located […]

My favorite flying selfie camera

Move over, selfie sticks. The HoverAir X1 is a flying camera that captures photos and video of you from mid-air, and does so whether you’re standing still, running on the beach, biking a trail or the like. It’s a pretty remarkable device, especially considering that it can fold in half and ride along in your […]

Cannibal and Double-Murderer Selfie That Sums Up Ukraine War

Russia appears to have two new poster children for its war against Ukraine and supposed crusade to save “traditional values” from the deviant West: a cannibal and a murderer united on the battlefield. Nearly two years after Moscow first hatched its deranged prison-recruitment scheme to use hardened criminals as cannon fodder in Ukraine, a selfie […]