Two SCOTUS Cases Show How an Unaccountable Administrative State Hurts ‘Ordinary People’

After the U.S. Supreme Court curtailed the powers of federal agencies in two cases last week, progressive critics predictably complained that the decisions favored “big business,” “corporate interests,” and “the wealthy and powerful.” That gloss overlooked the reality that people with little wealth or power frequently are forced to contend with overweening bureaucrats who invent […]

Five SCOTUS Justices’ Comments on Prez Immunity Come Back to Haunt Them

Collective amnesia seems to have struck the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, especially around the question: Is the president above the law? Five of the six conservative justices who ruled to give the president absolute immunity for “core” presidential duties seem to have made contradictory statements during their Senate confirmation hearings. “No man is […]

SCOTUS grants Office of the President immunity for official acts

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (NEXSTAR) — In a 6-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority gave the office of the president absolute immunity for core official acts of the office. “The nature of presidential power entitles a former president to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority,” Chief Justice […]

Jack Smith’s Trump prosecutions will survive SCOTUS, but barely, experts say

The immunity decision will delay and diminish Jack Smith‘s two Trump prosecutions, experts predict. In the documents case, Trump can claim that “declassifying” them,  back in DC, was an official act. In the J6 case, he can seek immunity for allegations involving talking to another federal official. It’s been a pretty bad day for Special Counsel […]

SCOTUS seems determined to dismantle the administrative state. It will make regulating major industries tougher.

SCOTUS limited federal agencies’ regulatory powers with two recent rulings. One legal expert said the high court is clearly “hellbent” on dismantling the administrative state. Because of the rulings, the regulation of essentially all major industries will be tougher. In two separate rulings over the last 48 hours, the conservative majority of the United States Supreme […]

Amy Coney Barrett Blasts SCOTUS for “Textual Backflips” on Jan. 6 Case

Justice Amy Coney Barrett broke ranks with the conservative majority on the Supreme Court Friday, leveraging strong words against her colleagues for their interpretation of Fischer v. United States. After the court ruled 6-3 that the Justice Department overstepped in charging hundreds of January 6 rioters with obstruction, the Trump-appointed conservative judge used her dissenting […]

The corrupt behavior of SCOTUS Justices Alito and Thomas

A corrupted, partisan United States Supreme Court is how we will lose our democracy. Right now, two Supreme Court justices have a demonstrable inability to be impartial on partisan matters, including those related to former President Donald Trump. Furthermore, they have received financial benefits from parties they have ruled in favor of. The justices have […]