Tag: science

Science and engineering skills remain on display at Clinton Community Schools

CLINTON — High school students from Clinton Community Schools continue to showcase their prowess when it comes to putting their science and engineering skills to the test. During the months of May and June, select groups of high school students represented the Clinton district at both state and international engineering competitions, including the 2024 International […]

Red, white but rarely blue – the science of fireworks colors, explained

In the earliest days of the United States, John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail about the celebration of independence, “It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” “Bonfires and […]

Science and the Congress Should Collaborate

Science, in principle, is self-correcting. New evidence can baffle and challenge the scientific consensus of a given moment. This process has led to some of the most important scientific discoveries of our time. It’s no surprise, therefore, that taxpayer support for biomedical research remains a bipartisan issue. Since 2015, for example, the National Institutes of […]

A Science Nonprofit Based in DC

(Bloomberg) — When Optica Chief Executive Officer Elizabeth Rogan traveled to China in November, the prestigious US scientific society she runs promoted the trip internally and on social media. But it omitted a key stop: her visit to Huawei Technologies Co.’s headquarters, according to communications and documents reviewed by Bloomberg News. Most Read from Bloomberg […]

There Might Actually Be Some Science Behind Eldest Daughter Syndrome

Is “eldest daughter syndrome” a real thing? A new study gives it credence. Katiuscia Noseda via Getty Images Growing up as the oldest sibling, author Y.L. Wolfe often felt the lines between her role and her mother’s role were blurred. “By the time my youngest brother was born when I was almost 11, I was overwhelmed with […]

Solstices brought Mayan communities together, using monuments shaped by science and religion – and kingly ambitions, too

K’ahk’ Uti’ Witz’ K’awiil knew his history. For 11 generations, the Mayan ruler’s dynasty had ruled Copan, a city-state near today’s border between Honduras and Guatemala. From the fifth century C.E. into the seventh century, scribes painted his ancestors’ genealogies into manuscripts and carved them in stone monuments throughout the city. Around 650, one particular […]

EDD prioritizes science and tech industries for economic development

Jun. 15—How does New Mexico retain its college graduates? The Economic Development Department thinks the state needs to invest in science and technology industries. Specifically, EDD is focusing on aerospace, bioscience, intelligent manufacturing, cybersecurity, and sustainable and green energy to diversify the state’s economy, according to a legislative report released Wednesday. Those areas make up […]

PCSO makes drug-related arrest after Science Hill surveillance

Jun. 14—Complaints about drug activity in the Science Hill area have led to the arrest of a Pulaski County man. The incident began when the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office began receiving complaints stating that a male named Tim Buis was trafficking in large quantities of methamphetamine on Louis Waddle Road in Science Hill. The complaint […]