Tag: sake

For the sake of our democracy, we can’t prematurely surrender to Donald Trump

There’s been an understandably apocalyptic reaction to Monday’s ruling from the Supreme Court. People are, rightly, horrified by the idea the president of the United States can now act with near-total criminal impunity if their behavior can be described as an “official act.” It’s a notion that cuts against the very fundamental values of this […]

Compromise for the sake of unity

Editor’s note: This story is part of Deseret Magazine’s January/February double issue addressing political polarization. In early July 1787, the delegates who gathered in Philadelphia to create a written constitution for the new nation faced the real prospect of failure. Yet by mid-September, they had produced the charter that would be the basis for our enduring success […]

‘Talking for the sake of talking – Kremlin on 81 states discussing UA’s Peace Proposal in Davos

Discussions of initiatives without Russia’s participation are “devoid of prospects for achieving results”, said Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov on Jan. 15, reacting to the Davos meeting on Ukraine’s Peace Formula. Russia has “repeatedly given its assessment of this process”, the dictator’s mouthpiece said, adding that the meeting was simply “a conversation for the sake of […]