Tag: Saharan

Massive plume of Saharan dust keeps tropics in check for now

MIAMI – The largest outbreak of Saharan dust so far this summer is moving over the Atlantic, putting a cap on tropical development and threatening to impact air quality throughout the Caribbean. Dust across the Atlantic’s Main Development Region (MDR) has been running below average, but that hasn’t prevented other locales around the African continent […]

Saharan dust restricting tropical development but it won’t last

A burst of tropical vigor last week is withering in the final days of June with a Saharan dust outbreak trying to throttle storm development from Africa to the Caribbean. The dust, made up of sand and mineral particles swept up from 3.5 million square miles of desert, could reach Florida by the weekend, said […]

Huge Saharan dust blob cooling eastern Atlantic

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — A huge plume of Saharan dust is now visible on satellite loops coming off of Africa into the eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean. This, combined with stronger than normal easterly winds of the Saharan Desert, is helping cool part of the far Eastern Atlantic, where the seeds for some hurricane season storms […]