Tag: robocall

Lara Trump’s RNC robocall falsely claims ‘massive fraud’ in 2020 election

The Republican National Committee sent out a scripted robocall on behalf of its new co-chair Lara Trump, falsely claiming Democrats were guilty of “massive fraud” in the 2020 election. Related: Trump’s RNC takeover triggers strife and staff exits as purge partly backfires “We all know the problems,” the RNC call said, according to CNN, which […]

New Hampshire voters sue Biden deepfake robocall creators

The League of Women Voters, based on NBC News reporting, is suing the creators of a deepfake robocall impersonating President Joe Biden that urged New Hampshire voters not to participate in the state’s presidential primary in January. The century-old nonpartisan organization filed the lawsuit Thursday in federal district court in Concord on behalf of three […]

Democratic operative admits to commissioning fake Biden robocall that used AI

Steve Kramer, a veteran political consultant working for a rival candidate, acknowledged Sunday that he commissioned the robocall that impersonated President Joe Biden using artificial intelligence, confirming an NBC News report that he was behind the call. Kramer expressed no remorse for creating the deepfake, in which an imitation of the president’s voice discouraged participation […]

Fake Biden robocall alarms Capitol Hill but it’s unclear if Congress will act

WASHINGTON — The fake Joe Biden robocall urging Democrats not to vote in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary has sparked a renewed urgency on Capitol Hill about the threat of artificial intelligence-generated content designed to interfere in elections. But some lawmakers on Tuesday expressed doubt that Congress will be able to pass legislation cracking down on […]

White House responds to fake ‘Biden’ robocall

STORY: The White House confirmed that the call was not recorded by Biden Monday (January 22), and said the incident highlights the challenges emerging technologies present. “The president has been clear that there are risks associated with deep fakes. Fake images and misinformation can be exacerbated by emerging technologies,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre […]