Tag: retirements

$1.46 million is retirement’s magic number? It’s a fantasy for most.

– Getty Images By now you’ve read on this site and perhaps elsewhere the latest figure on how much American adults think they’ll need for a “comfortable” retirement: $1.46 million. Most Read from MarketWatch That’s according to Northwestern Mutual, a financial-advisory and insurance firm, which makes this estimate every year. It also probably wants to […]

Republican dysfunction drives a wave of House retirements

WASHINGTON — Some House lawmakers wait their entire political careers to reach one of the pinnacles of power on Capitol Hill: seizing a coveted committee gavel. That’s why it sent shockwaves around Capitol Hill this month when not one, but three Republican committee chairmen — Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Mike Gallagher and Mark Green, members in […]

Port Huron Fire Department hiring in anticipation of retirements

The Port Huron Fire Department is hiring multiple new firefighters in preparation for expected retirements coming this year. “I have been authorized to pre-hire for the likely retirements of three current department members, who will be anticipated to separate service this year,” Fire Chief Corey Nicholson said in an email. “Additionally, we are losing another […]

A flood of retirements is shaking up the 2024 battle for the House

WASHINGTON — Members of Congress have headed home for the holidays — and some will come back having decided they don’t want to re-up for more terms in the nation’s capital, buffeting an already volatile fight for control of the House next year. Retirement announcements often come after the holidays, as lawmakers discuss their next […]

Following House retirements and Feinstein’s death, California’s Capitol power is at an ebb

For nearly five years, California reigned supreme in the U.S. House of Representatives, with the speaker’s gavel passing uninterrupted across party lines from Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield). The nation’s most populous state enjoyed years of strength in Washington, where long-serving Californians held plum committee assignments, wielded vast influence and […]