Tag: researchers

Researchers study impact of billions of pounds of microplastics on oceans

Panama City — A team of international scientists working on a research vessel off the coast of Panama is looking for something you might think would be hard to find. “We are exploring the unexplored,” Alvise Vianello, an associate chemistry professor at Aalborg University in Denmark, told CBS News. “…It’s like, you know, finding the […]

Researchers Test 2,400-Year-Old Leather and Realize It’s Made of Human Skin

Scythians in modern-day Ukraine made leather out of human skin, a team of researchers has determined, likely as a macabre trophy item. The discovery affirms a claim by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who wrote extensively on the Scythian way of life. In their work, the researchers use paleoproteomics to establish the sources of leather […]