Tag: researchers

Famous Ancient Reptile Fossil Found to be Fake, Researchers Find

Researchers in Italy have uncovered some enlightening new information about a fossil believed to depict a 280-million-year-old reptile that has been cited in many books and articles over the years. While the fossil, first discovered in the Italian Alps in 1931, was believed to consist of skin and soft tissue, it turns out it’s nothing […]

Famous fossil is really just paint, rocks and a couple of bones, researchers say

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. A 280 million-year-old fossil thought to be a well-preserved specimen of an ancient reptile is largely a forgery, according to new research. The fossil, initially discovered in the Italian Alps in 1931, has the scientific […]

COVID-19 vaccine researcher’s comment misrepresented as fertility warning

The claim: Professor admits that COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility A Feb. 5 Instagram post (direct link, archive link) shares a video of an interview with a researcher about COVID-19 vaccines. “Don’t forget, these vaccines aren’t likely to completely sterilize the population,” says Dr. Sir John Bell, an Oxford University immunologist working on a COVID-19 vaccine. […]

Researchers start to find clues on the trail of long Covid

Tens of millions of people across the world are thought to suffer from long Covid, but four years after the pandemic was declared this elusive condition still cannot be tested for — let alone treated. However research could be finally starting to find early clues on the trail of long Covid, raising hopes of future […]

Synthetic human embryos let researchers study early development while sidestepping ethical and logistical hurdles

Embryonic development, also known as embryogenesis, is a cornerstone in understanding the origins of life. But studying this marvel of intricate and layered biological processes in people faces considerable challenges. Early-stage human embryos are difficult to obtain. Then there are ethical issues surrounding their use. This has made it difficult for scientists to understand early […]

Researchers think they have the key to why tardigrades can survive almost anything

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Tardigrades, also known as water bears, commonly survive in some of Earth’s most challenging environments. The microscopic animals are so extraordinary that they have even traveled to the International Space Station for research. When the going […]