Tag: researchers

Beneath offshore wind turbines, researchers grow seafood and seaweed

KRIEGERS FLAK OFFSHORE WIND FARM, Denmark (AP) — In a small boat bobbing in the waves between towering offshore wind turbines, researchers in Europe’s Baltic Sea reach into the frigid water and remove long lines stretched between the pylons onto which mussels and seaweed are growing. It’s part of efforts to explore multiple uses for […]

Researchers make mind-blowing discovery about potential use for tons of discarded beer yeast: ‘A significant advantage’

What if the solution to removing harmful lead from our drinking water is sitting in the trash bins behind breweries? An exciting innovation from researchers at MIT and Georgia Tech proves that this long-overlooked resource could be a game-changer for communities, according to Interesting Engineering. The scientists created special capsules filled with waste yeast discarded […]

Researchers use drones, A.I. to track infectious disease in tropical regions

In the Peruvian Amazon, tropical diseases pose a growing risk – and scientists are turning to advanced technology, including drones and artificial intelligence, to try to stop outbreaks before they begin. Iquitos, Peru cannot be reached by road because of the thick jungles and waters surrounding the city. Only planes or boats can reach the […]

Chinese moon researchers gearing up for June 25 arrival of far side samples

Excitement is mounting for the first-ever return of samples from the far side of the moon. China’s ongoing Chang’e 6 mission is nearing its departure from lunar orbit, after which it will deliver a mother lode of moon materials to Earth. Earlier this month, more than 200 Chinese scientists from 31 domestic universities and research […]

Vietnam speeding up South China Sea island-building pace, US researchers say

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Vietnam has been increasing its dredging and landfill work in the South China Sea, creating almost as much new land as in the previous two years combined, setting the stage for a record year of island-building, U.S. researchers said on Friday. Since November 2023, when the Washington-based think tank issued its last […]