Tag: Require

Ohio bill would require report card, same tests if private schools use vouchers

Jun. 24—An Ohio House bill that has been going through committee hearings would require more accountability for private schools that accept EdChoice vouchers. School choice advocates generally oppose the bill, saying it goes past accountability and into a burden. House Bill 407 would directly impact EdChoice vouchers, which are state-funded “scholarships” used by students to […]

‘So Your Employer Is So Poor They Require You To Advance Them?’

Dave Ramsey Shoots Straight on Taking on Employer Debt: ‘So Your Employer Is So Poor They Require You To Advance Them?’ Respected financial guru and bestselling author Dave Ramsey has directly addressed a financial issue that could potentially affect many employees, especially those who travel for work and may be asked to advance expenses. Here’s […]

Mexico Voting Abroad May Require Bigger Budget, Official Says

(Bloomberg) — Future Mexico elections may require a larger budget to avoid the issues that citizens voting abroad experienced during this year’s presidential election, said the official in charge of the process. Most Read from Bloomberg “If today I were faced with the situation and knowing what the behavior is and what is going to […]

Peace in Ukraine will require Putin to agree troop withdrawal

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed cautious optimism about a peace conference for Ukraine being held in Switzerland later this month. “We will discuss principles for a just and lasting peace there,” Scholz said on Tuesday at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Berlin. “These are not yet negotiations about an […]

Louisiana may soon require public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana could soon become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom — in another expansion of religion into day-to-day life by a Republican-dominated legislature. The legislation received final approval from the state’s GOP-dominated Legislature earlier this week and is headed to […]