Tag: reporting

Steve Bannon remains defiant just days before reporting to prison

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon on Saturday continued to defend the actions that resulted in his prison sentence. In an interview with NBC News, Bannon continued to assert that the Jan. 6 committee’s subpoenas “don’t mean anything” and reiterated arguments about executive privilege that have been rejected in courts. The vocal ally of former President […]

US Treasury finalizes new crypto tax reporting rules

By Hannah Lang (Reuters) – The U.S. Treasury Department finalized a rule on Friday requiring cryptocurrency brokers, including exchanges and payment processors, to report new information on users’ sales and exchanges of digital assets to the Internal Revenue Service. The new requirements aim to crack down on crypto users who may be failing to pay […]

Reuters wins national reporting Pulitzer for Musk investigation

(Reuters) -Reuters won the Pulitzer Prize for national reporting on Monday for a series of investigations that uncovered harm to consumers, workers and laboratory animals across Elon Musk’s manufacturing empire. Reuters’ winning series, “The Musk Industrial Complex,” revealed a spate of worker injuries and one death at Musk’s rocket company SpaceX and the mistreatment of […]

How Nvidia is dominating an AI-obsessed earnings season without even reporting yet

AndreyKrav/iStock, Michael M. Santiago/Getty, Tyler Le/BI Nvidia is dominating earnings season, and it hasn’t even reported results yet. Other mega-cap tech giants have been mentioning on earnings calls that they’re boosting investment in AI infrastructure. Nvidia offers the popular H100 GPU chip that many companies use, and was specifically name-checked in some instances. Nvidia is […]