Tag: reparations

Church makes good on promise to pay reparations to Black community

LANSING — A Lansing church made good on a commitment to raise money as financial amends for the Black community as “repentance, reconciliation and reparations” on Sunday. The First Presbyterian Church of Lansing gathered about $80,000 in donations, with another $20,000 coming from a church capital fund, and presented a check to the Justice League […]

In California, Black lawmakers share a reparations plan with few direct payments

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California’s Legislative Black Caucus released a slate of reparations bills to implement ideas from the state’s landmark task force on the issue. The proposals include potential compensation for property seized from Black owners, but do not call for widespread direct cash payments to descendants of enslaved Black people. If approved, the […]

California lawmakers will consider reparations this spring.

Good morning and welcome to the A.M. Alert! REPARATIONS PACKAGE COMES TO SACRAMENTO The California Legislative Black Caucus on Wednesday unveiled a legislative package intended to implement reparations for Black Californians who were harmed by racist laws and policies in the state. The package includes a resolution to formally recognize and accept responsibility “for all […]

Reparations gained historic momentum in 2023 because of California’s efforts

For the first time, this year advocates seeking reparations for the harms inflicted on Black people during centuries of slavery in America saw a movement for redress that elicits hope. Many municipalities either started or are forming commissions to address compensation to the descendants of enslaved Africans. California has made the most zealous effort. The […]

New York will set up a commission to consider reparations for slavery

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York state will create a commission tasked with considering reparations to address the persistent, harmful effects of slavery in the state, under a bill signed into law by Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday. The bill signing comes at a time when many states and towns throughout the United States attempt […]