Tag: Removing

Engineers begin removing Baltimore Key Bridge’s mangled wreckage

Crews of engineers have begun the dangerous and intricate job of removing the mangled wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge from the Patapsco River outside Baltimore, as top federal government and Maryland state officials stressed Sunday that the health of the US national economy depended on it. Officials took to the political talkshows Sunday […]

NH House passes bill removing exceptions to state voter ID law

The New Hampshire House narrowly approved a bill Thursday that would eliminate any exceptions to the state’s voter ID laws and require documentary proof of citizenship to vote, 189-185. The bill, House Bill 1569, would require a person registering to vote to provide proof of citizenship, using a method such as a birth certificate or passport. Republican supporters […]

UEA opposes removing constitutional earmark on income tax for education

The Utah Education Association has announced its opposition to a proposed amendment to the Utah Constitution that would open the state income tax fund to “other state needs.” It is currently earmarked for public and higher education and programs for children and individuals with disabilities. In a statement issued late Thursday afternoon, UEA President Renée […]