Tag: Reminded

America has just reminded us there is only one world superpower

As conflicted as our judgements might be about Israel’s conduct of its war in Gaza, there should be no ambiguity about our condemnation of Iran’s attack on Israel. Our outrage should be as deafening as was our outrage when Vladimir Putin attacked Ukraine on February 22, 2022. Within our developed world order there is no […]

Fox News Stars Flip Out When Reminded That Trump ‘Had Dinner With Nazis’

Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner and star pundit Tammy Bruce were absolutely apoplectic on Monday when a Democratic on-air guest reminded them how Donald Trump once dined with an avowed neo-Nazi. During a standard Fox News panel segment on President Joe Biden falling behind Trump in 2024 presidential polling, Faulkner brought up Saturday Night Live’s […]

GOP Sen. John Kennedy Freaks Out When Reminded He Used To Be A Democrat

WASHINGTON ― Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) on Thursday tried to smear one of President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees by repeatedly calling her a Marxist, an accusation rooted in nothing other than this nominee being a Democrat. But his effort backfired spectacularly when the Louisiana Republican was reminded that he, too, used to be a Democrat. […]

Jim Jordan’s Biden Slam Only Reminded People Of His Fellow GOP Grifters

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) tried to throw stones from deep within a glass house Wednesday evening, denouncing President Joe Biden on Fox News in a way that only succeeded in reminding people about all the grifters in the GOP ―- including, of course, Donald Trump. Jordan was once again trying to promote the unproven allegations […]