Tag: remade

Republicans remade the judiciary. It’s haunting Donald Trump.

Conservatives spent a generation stacking the bench with anti-abortion judges. Donald Trump is now paying the price. The former president is reckoning with high court rulings in Alabama, Florida and, most recently, Arizona, which have kept abortion and reproductive health care in the spotlight when he and much of the GOP would rather be talking […]

Trump remade the GOP. How permanent is it?

Was Donald Trump buying or leasing the Republican Party when he descended that escalator in 2015? At the time, many a longtime Republican tried to argue that Trump was no Republican, let alone a conservative. Just about every major figure in the party circa 2015 viewed him as an interloper, certainly not the avatar for […]

the man who remade the NRA as the ‘good guy with a gun’

For three decades, Wayne LaPierre has been the face of gun rights in the US. Lean and bespectacled, known for his expensive suits, he was an unlikely spokesperson for American machismo. But the National Rifle Association leader’s willingness to defend Americans’ access to guns, no matter the cost, made him a powerful rightwing figure, whose […]