Tag: regular

Regular bus service to VA to begin Monday, April 15

Apr. 12—WILKES-BARRE — The Luzerne County Transportation Authority (LCTA) on Friday announced that it will begin regular bus service to the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center on Monday, April 15. Route #10 (Wyoming Valley Mall) will service the VA on every weekday trip; and it will service the VA on every Saturday trip except for the […]

Military pharmacies resume regular operations after cyberattack

Military pharmacies have returned to full operations, six weeks after a cyberattack on the nation’s largest commercial prescription processor disrupted normal business at thousands of pharmacies around the world. Following the Feb. 21 hack, Change Healthcare — which verifies whether a customer’s health insurance will help cover the cost of each medication — disconnected its […]

Misinformation took over social media after the Key Bridge collapse. Why is this now a regular occurrence — and what can be done to stop it?

Unfounded conspiracy theories influencing online conversations around major news events is a growing concern since at least half of Americans get their news from social media platforms. What were once considered “fringe conspiracy theories” — ideas that significantly depart from mainstream accepted information or truths — are now highlighted as Top Tweets by verified X […]