Tag: refuge

Rescued cats from Iowa find temporary refuge with PAWS Chicago

CHICAGO – Anxious and hungry, they arrived one by one at their new temporary home in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood. Eighteen cats, each with unique stories, coats and energy, have joined the PAWS Chicago family. Among them are Leo, Daffy, Hayden, Harris and Fava. The group consists of nine male and nine female cats, ranging […]

Rocks galore at the Parker Wildlife Refuge in R.I.

Jan. 11—Hikers with a soft spot for rocks will be hard-pressed to find a more appealing destination than the George B. Parker Woodland Wildlife Refuge in Coventry, R.I. “Look at them all!” Clancy Philbrick exclaimed the other day, traipsing past stone cairns scattered throughout the 860-acre preserve. These conical structures once were believed to have […]