Tag: Reef

Australia warned it must do more to save Great Barrier Reef

Australia must do more to save the Great Barrier Reef, the country’s Climate Council warned on Tuesday. The Australian government on Tuesday heralded a draft report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as proof of its action to protect the reef. “The decision recognises the increased action Australia is taking to […]

How islanders are saving their Indian Ocean coral reef

Looking out now over the Indian Ocean from Mnemba Island, it is hard to believe that just three years ago the stunning coral reef surrounding this part of Tanzania’s Zanzibar archipelago was dying. Under threat from climate change, overfishing and other human activity, the islanders faced losing their livelihoods and the prospect of moving away […]

Climate skeptic dismisses severity of Great Barrier Reef bleaching

Scientists predict recent bleaching at Australia’s Great Barrier Reef will be the worst on record, but skeptics online dismiss the damage by claiming coral populations are at a record high. This is missing context; while there has been growth over the past decade, marine scientists warn global warming has negatively affected biodiversity and resilience in […]

Coral reef misinformation bubbles up amid bleaching worldwide

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef experienced the most widespread bleaching on record in the summer of 2023 to 2024, with skeptics dismissing the role of human-induced climate change in putting coral barriers under intense heat stress. But scientists say ocean warming is the main cause for repeated, intense bleaching over recent decades. “Coral bleaching is a […]

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef hit by fifth mass bleaching event in eight years

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is experiencing yet another mass coral bleaching event due to heat, the country’s government confirmed Friday. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, which oversees efforts to preserve and protect the reef, said a widespread bleaching event is unfolding that is “consistent with patterns of heat stress that has built up […]