Tag: record

With all this rain, how did this June fare in Minnesota record books?

June is Minnesota’s wettest month, and this year it lived up to its billing in spades. So much rain fell during this year’s sixth month that rivers all across Minnesota jumped their banks and massive flooding swept away homes, drowned downtowns, swamped parks and farm fields, and closed roads. Though precipitation fell on 16 of […]

These are the hottest days ever on record for North Jersey

If any North Jersey residents needed a reminder that summer is here, a brief trip outside for much of June certainly would have done the trick. But while the temperatures may feel hotter than ever, historical data shows the region is still well shy of setting any records in the near future. Hottest days ever […]

CNN reports 20-year record low debate viewership

CNN reports indicate that just 47.9 million people tuned in to the first 2024 presidential debate. The 2020 re-match saw a 35% dip in audience from the first clash between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, which drew 73.1 million viewers in September 2020. The debate, hailed by many as catastrophic for the Biden campaign as […]

Presidential election seen as climate turning point as CO2 hits record

BALTIMORE, MD – MARCH 09: Emissions spew from a large stack at the coal fired Brandon Shores Power Plant, on March 9, 2018 in Baltimore, Maryland. Last year the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced that it would repeal President Obama’s policy on curbing greenhouse gas emissions from coal fired power plants. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty […]

Presidential election seen as climate turning point as CO2 hits record

Emissions spew from a stack at the coal-fired Brandon Shores Power Plant in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) WASHINGTON – Despite policies the Biden administration has championed to target climate change, recent findings show carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at an all-time high, raising the stakes for November’s presidential election […]

Texas Congressman defends military record amid combat badge scandal

Under fire for accusations of stolen valor, U.S. Rep. Troy Nehls is doubling down on defending his military record by blaming “the establishment” forces seeking to discredit him. Nehls, R-Richmond, has been under intense scrutiny over his display of a combat service badge that the Army revoked and removed from his service record last year. […]