Tag: rail

Rugby fans spared Sunday rail line closure

No trains will be running between Cardiff and Swansea on three of the next four Sundays in March. Buses are replacing trains on the south Wales mainline as Network Rail will be carrying out essential work renewing the track. The work on 3 March will be followed by further closures on two other Sundays 17 […]

Strikes halt trains and ferries in Greece one year after rail disaster

Widespread strikes in Greece have halted trains and ferries in protests timed to coincide with the first anniversary of a deadly rail crash. Greece’s worst rail disaster killed 57 people when a passenger train slammed into an oncoming cargo train in the north. The tragedy shocked the country, with many of the victims being university […]

German trains delayed in western states as French rail workers strike

A railway strike in France is disrupting train services to Germany, due to industrial action running from Thursday evening until Monday morning. Several high-speed trains between Paris and Frankfurt and Stuttgart are not running, German rail operator Deutsche Bahn said on Friday. Some of the trains coming from the French capital will also terminate in […]

Idaho didn’t apply to study Boise-Salt Lake City rail service

It was painful for a coalition of leaders who have long pushed to bring an Amtrak passenger rail line back to Boise to hear, in December, that the federal government rejected Idaho for a grant to study the return of a train rail. The coalition advocating for the Boise-Salt Lake City service had felt the […]