Tag: raging

Bus full of passengers swept away by raging waters

Emergency services have been rescuing passengers who were trapped in a bus that was swept away by floods on a busy highway in northern Kenya. The bus, with about 50 passengers, was heading to the capital, Nairobi, from northern Wajir county, police said. The driver had attempted to cross a flooded section of the road […]

Rains Are Scarce in the Amazon. Instead, Megafires Are Raging.

RIO DE JANEIRO — By this time of the year, rain should be drenching large swaths of the Amazon rainforest. Instead, a punishing drought has kept the rains at bay, creating dry conditions for fires that have engulfed hundreds of square miles of the rainforest that do not usually burn. The fires have turned the […]

Firefighters retrieve water from NH lake to fight raging fire

An old farmhouse in New Hampshire is in ruins after an intense fire that ripped through the property. The flames flared up on the second floor of the home on Scotland Road on Wednesday shortly after 5 p.m. Fire officials said one of the biggest challenges in fighting the flames was getting enough water to […]

Raging fire tears through mattress warehouse in New Jersey: video

A raging fire tore through a New Jersey mattress warehouse Wednesday afternoon, calling on firefighters from multiple counties and forcing the evacuation of nearby homes. Firefighters in New Brunswick battled the blaze at Dream Well, Inc., according to NJ.com, which said explosions could be heard coming from inside the burning building. Video shows thick black […]

Hubble Space Telescope sees wild weather raging on distant hot Jupiter world

The Hubble Space Telescope has seen cyclones raging in the dynamic atmosphere of a hot Jupiter located 880 light years away, thanks to observations and computer modeling that could one day be applied to characterize weather on smaller, rocky exoplanets. The planet, dubbed WASP-121b, has a mass about 1.16 times greater than our solar system’s […]