Tag: radical

Honda primes radical saloon to rival Tesla Model 3 by 2030

honda saloon render 2024 New line-up will be inspired by Zero Saloon concept shown at CES earlier this year Honda is working on a Tesla Model 3-rivalling saloon as one of seven radical new electric cars it will bring to market by 2030. The saloon is part of the firm’s new 0 Series, which represents a total reset […]

Buffett Suggests Radical Approach To End U.S. Deficit In ‘5 Minutes’ – But It Involves Disqualifying Members Of Congress Based On The Debt

Over a decade ago, Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and philanthropist, humorously suggested an unconventional plan that he believed could address the United States’ escalating deficit issue. During a live interview on CNBC with Becky Quick in 2011, Buffett proposed a legislative approach to incentivize Congress to manage the nation’s finances more responsibly. Don’t Miss: […]

Putin says ‘radical Islamists’ carried out Moscow terror attack

Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Monday that a terrorist attack outside Moscow that left almost 140 people dead “was committed by radical Islamists.” Putin had previously suggested that Ukraine might have some connection with the bloody terrorist attack, without providing any evidence. Ukrainian officials have vehemently denied any connection to the attack. In a […]

Trump makes radical overhaul of RNC at furious pace

Former President Trump has transformed the Republican National Committee (RNC) in a matter of days as the organization heads into the general election campaign. In the same week Trump officially became the presumptive nominee, the RNC hit reset, making significant staffing changes that included bringing in several new faces to senior leadership positions, firing some […]

the radical plan to tackle British Columbia’s overdose epidemic

When Traci Letts finally found the perfect shoes for her son Mike – a pair of white Nike trainers with a splash of green – the store didn’t have the right size. So she went to another. “They had to be just right,” she said. “He always wanted to dress well.” The high-top shoes completed […]

North Carolina schools chief loses primary to home-schooling parent critical of ‘radical agendas’

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina’s public schools superintendent and some state legislators won’t be returning to their positions in 2025 after primary defeats by challengers who questioned their rivals’ commitment to social conservatism or a Democratic agenda. Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt narrowly lost Tuesday’s Republican primary to Michele Morrow, a home-schooling parent […]