Tag: queues

Nigerians struggle with fuel shortages as queues form across major cities

Nigerians have been queuing for hours to buy fuel across major cities amid the West African nation’s latest fuel shortage, which is causing more hardship for millions already struggling in an economic crisis. The fuel shortage has led to an increase in transportation costs in the country where many people rely on public transportation. Authorities […]

Almost 2,500 lorries waiting in queues to enter Ukraine

As of the morning of 22 February, 2,450 lorries are waiting in queues at the Polish-Ukrainian border to cross the border into Ukraine. Source: Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service, on the national joint 24/7 newscast He noted that Polish farmers are continuing to block the movement of freight vehicles on six […]

Queues at Ukraine-Poland border continue despite blockade lifting at one checkpoint

Polish protestors have lifted their blockade of the Ukraine-Poland Medyka–Shehyni border checkpoint, but blockades at three other checkpoints continue, Ukrainian State Border Guard Service spokesperson Andriy Demchenko said in a comment to Ukrainian state news agency Ukrinform on Jan. 8. “The blockade at the Hrebenne–Rava-Ruska, Korczowa–Krakovets, and Dorohusk–Yahodyn checkpoints continues,” Demchenko said. “Based on information […]

SpaceX queues up launch with booster flying for record 19th time

SpaceX is set to send up another Starlink mission from Cape Canaveral if weather holds on Friday night with a first-stage booster flying for a record 19th time. The Falcon 9 rocket on the Starlink 6-32 mission with 23 Starlink satellites is targeting liftoff from Space Launch Complex 40 during four-hour window from 11 p.m. […]