Tag: Putins

Scholz reacts to Putin’s claims in Tucker Carlson interview

Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor of Germany, has stated that the claims Russian President Vladimir Putin made in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson show why the allies must keep supporting Ukraine. Source: European Pravda with reference to Twitter (X) post by Scholz Quote: “The Russian president mocks what Russia is really doing in Ukraine […]

UK Prime Minister rejects Putin’s pretext for war in Ukraine

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s claim that the war he has unleashed against Ukraine is the result of NATO expansion “clearly ridiculous”. Source: UK PM Sunak was quoted by The Guardian with reference to PA, European Pravda reports. Details: Sunak said that Russia had carried out an illegal and […]

Putin’s lies go unchecked by American propagandist Tucker Carlson

Reclusive Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s lies, falsehoods, and disinformation was rarely countered in an “interview” with American propagandist Tucker Carlson released on Feb. 8. “Russia and Ukraine will come to an agreement sooner or later,” Putin claimed in the rambling, two-hour interview. “Ukrainians still feel like Russians”, he said in one lie of many that […]

Putin’s main opponent, Boris Nadezhdin, rejected in registration for Russian elections

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin‘s main opponent in the Presidential election, Boris Nadezhdin, was prevented from registering, Russian media outlet SOTA reported on Feb. 8. Read also: Russia wants small victories on the front ahead of Putin’s ‘reelection’, Zelenskyy It was noted that Nadezhdin’s staff provided 105,000 signatures in support of him, but the commission recognized […]

Putin’s visit to Turkey reportedly postponed

The date of Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s visit to Turkey to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which was reportedly to take place in February, is “yet to be determined,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Feb. 8. Russian state-run media outlet TASS announced on Jan. 29 that Putin was to visit Turkey in […]

Putin’s visit to Türkiye postponed

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Türkiye is likely to take place in late April or early May. Source: RIA Novosti, a Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet, with reference to a source in Ankara Details: The two leaders are expected to meet in late April or early May after the local elections to be held on […]

Russians freeze as Putin’s war and aging pipes reveal cracks at home

Two electric radiators were not enough to keep Russian pensioner Elena Grezkaya-Silko from shivering in her one-bedroom apartment. After two major utility network accidents last month, she struggled to stay warm at home in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, where temperatures regularly dip below minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit in January. After the first accident Jan. […]

Putin’s Turkey visit postponed – report

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s planned visit to Turkey to meet with the country’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been postponed, Ukrainian newspaper ZN.ua reported on Feb. 7, citing Turkish media. Read also: Erdogan to discuss ‘new mechanism’ for Ukraine’s Black Sea grain corridor during meeting with Putin Russian state-run news agency TASS claims that the […]

ISW analyses Putin’s statements about “demilitarised” zone

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) has analysed Russian president Vladimir Putin’s statements regarding the idea of a “demilitarised zone” which he believes would separate Russian territory from the combat zone in Ukraine. Source: ISW Details: Russian president Vladimir Putin reiterated his maximalist and deliberately blurred territorial goals in Ukraine on 31 January. […]

“Dead souls” being registered for Putin’s elections in occupied territories

The Russians have started registering voters for the so-called “elections of the President of Russia” in the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Source: National Resistance Center of Ukraine Quote: “People who intend to vote outside the borders of their region are being registered. In order to increase the turnout, the Russians are actively registering outsiders […]