Tag: Putins

Putin’s navy is now a spent force

In 2024, the Russian navy plans to take delivery of 12 new warships plus another 38 small craft, according to state media. That’s two more warships than last year – and twice as many as the annual average for the preceding decade. And on paper, it’s two more warships than the world’s leading navy – […]

A grinding Russian assault appears telling about Putin’s plan to defeat Ukraine

Russia is on the offensive, but not contributing all it can into the assault, reflecting Russia’s plans. Putin‘s strategy focuses on attrition and limiting Ukraine’s counteroffensive capabilities. ISW experts warn that delays in Western aid could lead to Ukraine’s collapse and Russian victory. Russian forces are making a push along an axis between Chasiv Yar […]

A grinding Russian assault appears telling about Putin’s plan to defeat Ukraine

Russia is on the offensive, but not contributing all it can into the assault, reflecting Russia’s plans. Putin‘s strategy focuses on attrition and limiting Ukraine’s counteroffensive capabilities. ISW experts warn that delays in Western aid could lead to Ukraine’s collapse and Russian victory. Russian forces are making a push along an axis between Chasiv Yar […]

Russia’s Richest Woman Gets Putin’s Nod to Build Payments System

(Bloomberg) — Tatyana Bakalchuk made billions selling everything from brooms to bridal gowns on her online marketplace. Now Russia’s richest woman is making a surprise pivot: to helping insulate the economy from sanctions by building an alternative to the global payment system major Russian banks were excluded from. Most Read from Bloomberg Bakalchuk’s Wildberries — […]

The Ukrainian resistance is torching Putin’s dreams of conquest

On D-Day, the anniversary of which we just commemorated, the Allies knew the location of the Nazi defences thanks to the French Resistance. Now, Ukrainian resistance groups are playing pivotal roles in similar, albeit smaller, operations, enabling the Ukrainian Armed Forces to halt and, in places, turn back the Russian war machine. Their D-Day, however, […]

Vietnam prepares for Putin’s visit after his meeting with Kim Jong Un

Vietnam is gearing up to host the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who flies into Hanoi on Wednesday evening after meeting Kim Jong Un in North Korea. Putin is visiting the Vietnam capital at the invitation of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. On Thursday, the Russian leader will take part in a welcome ceremony […]

Satellite images show Russia’s putting ships in the path of Ukraine’s naval drones to protect Putin’s prize, but it’s likely not enough

Ukraine has vowed to destroy the strategic Kerch bridge linking Russia with occupied Crimea. Russia has attempted to protect the bridge with barges and floating boom defenses. But Ukraine has demonstrated that it can innovate and adapt to defensive measures in the Black Sea. Russia has placed multiple barges and other defenses around a major […]

China should pay for propping up Putin’s war

This embedded content is not available in your region. The head of Nato has told the BBC that China should face consequences for supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine, if it does not change its ways. Jens Stoltenberg said Beijing was “trying to get it both ways” by supporting Russia’s war effort, while also trying to […]

Ukraine rejects Putin’s conditions for peace as ‘absurd’

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demands for further territorial concessions as a prerequisite for peace, describing these as absurd and manipulative. “Putin does not seek peace, he seeks to divide the world,” the ministry said on Friday, referring to Putin’s statements ahead of a Swiss peace summit planned for the weekend. […]