Tag: ProTrump

Pro-Trump attorney arrested after court hearing about leaked Dominion emails

A pro-Trump lawyer who tried to overturn the 2020 election was arrested Monday after a court hearing about her recent leak of internal emails belonging to Dominion Voting Systems. There was an existing arrest warrant for the attorney, Stefanie Lambert, stemming from her failure to appear at recent court hearings in her separate criminal case […]

Supreme Court declines to undo sanctions on pro-Trump 2020 campaign lawyers

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to undo sanctions against several lawyers allied with former President Trump for filing a meritless lawsuit challenging Michigan’s 2020 presidential election results. Lawyers Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and others brought the lawsuit against Michigan state officials and Detroit in November 2020, one of dozens of suits filed in an […]

DC bar authorities file disciplinary charges against pro-Trump 2020 election lawyers

Washington, D.C. bar investigators have filed disciplinary charges against three lawyers who aided Donald Trump ally Sidney Powell’s campaign to mount discredited legal challenges to the 2020 election results. Filings made public Friday accused attorneys Juli Haller, Lawrence Joseph and Brandon Johnson of making knowingly false representations to courts about a slew of lawsuits they […]

Elise Stefanik, the pro-Trump No. 4 House Republican, won’t commit to certifying the 2024 election and wants to ‘see if this is a legal and valid election’

Elise Stefanik on Sunday wouldn’t say if she’d definitively certify the 2024 election results. While on NBC News, Stefanik said she’d have to assess whether or not the election is “valid.” Stefanik has endorsed former President Trump’s White House bid and is seen as a potential VP pick. Rep. Elise Stefanik on Sunday wouldn’t commit to […]

Elise Stefanik, the pro-Trump No. 4 House Republican, won’t commit to certifying the 2024 election and wants to ‘see if this is a legal and valid election’

Elise Stefanik on Sunday wouldn’t say if she’d definitively certify the 2024 election results. While on NBC News, Stefanik said she’d have to assess whether or not the election is “valid.” Stefanik has endorsed former President Trump’s White House bid and is seen as a potential VP pick. Rep. Elise Stefanik on Sunday wouldn’t commit to […]

Nevada brings criminal charges against pro-Trump false electors

In December 2020, Trump’s allies convened slates of false electors in seven states that Biden won. The pro-Trump electors, consisting of Republican activists and operatives, signed certificates falsely claiming to be the proper representatives of the states’ voters in the Electoral College. Some of the electors said they took this step because lawyers advised them […]

Facebook Shuts Down Pro-Trump ‘Stop the Steal’ Group

Facebook has officially shut down “Stop the Steal,” a pro-Trump group which had amassed over 364,000 members in less than 48 hours, for promoting election misinformation regarding ongoing vote counts. With protests over the ongoing tally of votes sweeping through a number of U.S. cities, Facebook tells TIME that it removed the group on Thursday […]

Pro-Trump Ad Attacks Ron DeSantis For Pudding Fingers Story

The ad, called “Pudding Fingers,” was released on social media on Friday, but it has also started airing on TV stations, including CNN and Fox News. It centers around an alleged incident reported by the Daily Beast last month that discussed “unflattering stories about [DeSantis’s] social skills—particularly, his propensity to devour food during meetings.” Two […]