Tag: Protective

Protective Mama Bear Charges at Dog and Owner at Asheville Home

A North Carolina woman and her service dog had a “close call” with a protective mother bear recently, after they “surprised each other” in the backyard of her Asheville home. Footage filmed by Audrey Thompson’s home security camera captured the moment the mama bear, who had been exploring the yard with four cubs, charged toward […]

Readers sound off on national crises, Biden’s candidacy and protective poles

Have we forgotten Trump’s calamities so soon? Manhattan: Another day, another poll showing Donald Trump edging out President Biden in November’s election. Thursday’s Sienna poll actually had even more disturbing details. It shows that a majority of Americans actually believe Trump would be more competent handling a national emergency. This, I admit, made me scream. […]

Germany remains opposed to NATO protective shield for Ukraine

The German government remains opposed to the idea of setting up a defensive shield from NATO territory to protect against Russian airstrikes in western Ukraine, a top spokesman said on Monday. “From our point of view, that would be an involvement, a direct involvement in this conflict. And that is something we are not aiming […]