Tag: Promising

15 Affordable, Promising Cities To Buy Real Estate in 2024

Sean Pavone / Getty Images/iStockphoto Don’t fret if this wasn’t your year to buy a home. Rocket Homes compiled a list of 15 cities with great potential for mortgage rates and affordable real estate, that buyers should have on their radar in 2024. To find and rank the most promising cities of 2024, Rocket Homes […]

‘A highly promising material for future energy-storage solutions’

Experts from Germany believe their most recent breakthrough advances the quality of solid-state, sodium-ion batteries. It’s technology that many researchers are pursuing as a replacement for common lithium-ion power packs, with the hope of finding a better-performing and cheaper alternative. The latest news from the labs at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology includes an update about […]

Google Parent Alphabet Is Selling Shares of 2 Hypergrowth Stocks and Piling Into a Promising Artificial Intelligence (AI) Company

Once every quarter, institutional money managers with more than $100 million in assets under management are required to file Form 13F with the Securities and Exchange Commission. A 13F provides an under-the-hood look at what Wall Street’s brightest investment minds have been buying and selling in the latest quarter. However, 13Fs aren’t just limited to […]

3 Stocks to Buy From the Promising Integrated US Energy Industry

Despite the volatilities and uncertainties affecting the energy market, upstream businesses benefit from highly favorable oil prices. Additionally, integrated energy players’ midstream operations remain robust due to steady fee-based revenues derived from pipeline and storage assets, thereby improving the prospects for the Zacks Oil & Gas US Integrated industry. Leading contenders in the industry poised to capitalize […]

Senate pulls plug on energy bill. What does promising compromise mean for SC?

A promising compromise has replaced a sprawling energy bill stalled in the South Carolina Legislature. While the South Carolina Energy Security Act will not become law this year, the state Senate on Tuesday vowed, via a joint resolution, to continue studying the state’s energy needs, aiming to pass legislation early next session. It’s a compromise […]

The perilous past and promising future of a toxic but nourishing crop

The three staple crops dominating modern diets – corn, rice and wheat – are familiar to Americans. However, fourth place is held by a dark horse: cassava. While nearly unknown in temperate climates, cassava is a key source of nutrition throughout the tropics. It was domesticated 10,000 years ago, on the southern margin of the […]