Tag: progressive

Bernie Sanders Breaks With Progressive Group On Biden Protest Vote In Michigan

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is declining to join a progressive group he co-founded in encouraging Michigan voters to spurn President Joe Biden over his support for Israel’s assault on Gaza. Our Revolution, a nonprofit that grew out of the progressive icon’s 2016 presidential campaign, backed the effort to get voters in Michigan to vote “uncommitted” […]

progressive senator perhaps not that progressive after all

There was a time when John Fetterman, the rough-and-ready Pennsylvania senator, was a budding star of the left. Endorsed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in his 2022 Democratic race, Fetterman had supported the democratic socialist Bernie Sanders for president in 2016. On the campaign trail, Fetterman said he would fight for an increased minimum wage, while he […]

“One-stop shopping” for progressive wins in 2024 and beyond

Swing Left was launched in 2017, as the first Women’s March dwarfed the crowd at Donald Trump‘s inauguration. Its immediate goal was winning back the House as a check on Trump’s power. Beyond that, it created an organizing strategy that gave activists and small donors a flexible, effective way to partner with people on the […]

Progressive Democrats Call Out Party For Taking ‘Toxic Money’ From Israel Lobbying Group

Progressive lawmakers who have condemned Israel’s assault on Gaza are demanding Democratic leadership do more to combat a multimillion-dollar election-year backlash funded by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Washington’s most powerful pro-Israel group. Several House incumbents, including some of the party’s rising progressive stars, are facing primary challengers funded by AIPAC, which has raised […]

progressive anger as Teamsters union chief meets Trump

In an unexpected political convergence, Sean O’Brien, the president of the Teamsters union, announced he had met privately with Donald Trump – raising questions about who the Teamsters will endorse in 2024 and drawing anger from the union’s progressive members. The meeting came amid efforts by Joe Biden and the thinning field of Republican challengers, […]

Progressive Prosecutor Suspended By DeSantis Scores Victory In Court

An appellate court ruled on Wednesday that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) violated the First Amendment by suspending Democratic prosecutor Andrew Warren for his own political gain. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit vacated a previous decision from a federal judge who claimed he did not have the power to reinstate Warren […]

Philly’s progressive prosecutor, facing impeachment trial, has authority on transit crimes diverted

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A new law taking aim at Philadelphia’s progressive prosecutor creates a new position that diverts authority from the twice-elected district attorney, with Republican lawmakers arguing the legislation is necessary to prosecute crimes they say aren’t pursued. It’s the latest example of progressive prosecutors across the country facing political crosswinds. The measure, […]