Tag: professor

US professor charged with manipulating data for Alzheimer’s drug trial

By Luc Cohen and Marisa Taylor (Reuters) -A U.S. medical professor has been charged with fraud for allegedly submitting false data to get millions of dollars in public funds for research into a drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Federal prosecutors said on Friday that Hoau-Yan Wang, 67, fabricated data included in grant applications to the […]

Man found guilty of murdering UA professor sentenced to life in prison

The man charged with the murder of a University of Arizona professor in Tucson was on Monday sentenced to life in prison. Murad Dervish, 48, was found guilty of first-degree murder after he shot Thomas Meixner, the head of the university’s Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, on Oct. 5, 2022. On May 21, a […]

Secretly recording a professor at UNC? That’s underhanded and chilling.

It may soon become unbearable to teach at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I fear that day has already arrived, though desperately hope I am wrong. The latest disturbing news is that the university secretly records professors while they teach. A university media relations official confirmed it to Inside Higher Ed. Issac […]

Allan Saxe, beloved UT-Arlington professor obsessed with philanthropy, has died

Allan Saxe, the eccentric former political science professor at UT-Arlington who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars from his modest earnings to dozens of humanitarian causes, has died at 85. While he is remembered by generations of college students for his passion in the classroom, stirring debates and challenging them to think differently about politics […]

Estonia jails university professor from Russia for spying for Moscow

A university professor was jailed Tuesday in Estonia after being found guilty of spying for Russia. Viacheslav Morozov, a Russian citizen, taught at the Baltic country’s most prestigious university and was sentenced to six years and three months in prison for collecting information about Estonia’s defense and security policy and the people and infrastructure related […]