Tag: products

Poland to increase inspections of Ukrainian food products at border

Poland will clamp down on poor-quality Ukrainian agricultural imports into Poland, the Polish Agricultural Ministry wrote on X on Feb. 4. Polish Agricultural Minister Czeslaw Siekierski conducted checks at the Medyka and Korczowa crossings with Ukraine over the weekend. He promised strengthened border control and more inspections. “Excessive import of agricultural products from Ukraine that […]

Ukrainians to face agricultural export bans to the EU if their products don’t arrive as planned

Entrepreneurs who violate export regulations for agricultural food products to certain European Union countries will have their verification status suspended for 6 months, Ukraine’s Agrarian Policy Minister, Mykola Solskyi, announced. The government has tightened the rules around exporting certain agricultural products to prevent abuse of the system., he announced during an online meeting with his […]

PayPal to launch AI-based products as new CEO aims to revive share price

By Hannah Lang (Reuters) – PayPal is launching new artificial intelligence-driven products as well as a one-click checkout feature, the company said on Thursday as its chief executive tries to inject new life into the payments giant. It is the first major announcement under Alex Chriss, who joined PayPal in September, and the new products […]

PayPal to launch AI-based products as new CEO aims to revive share price

By Hannah Lang Jan 25 (Reuters) – PayPal is launching new artificial intelligence-driven products as well as a one-click checkout feature, the company said on Thursday as its chief executive tries to inject new life into the payments giant. It is the first major announcement under Alex Chriss, who joined PayPal in September, and the […]