Tag: priced

Tesla has new competition with a Chinese EV priced lower than Model 3

Tesla is getting some more EV competition in China. It is coming from Xiaomi, a Chinese consumer electronics company that officially introduced its electric SU7 sedan during a Thursday event involving co-founder Lei Jun, Barron’s reported. The cheapest model of the SU7 has a price tag that equates to roughly $30,000, according to the outlet. […]

Walmart has been eating Target’s lunch and now the Minnesota giant is ditching its ‘Tar-jay’ rep for a ‘Hail Mary’ budget brand mostly priced under $10

For years, Target has leaned into its faux-French nickname “Tar-jay,” marketing itself as an elevated-yet-affordable retailer. But Target’s new “dealworthy” brand, which includes items from jumbo cotton balls to boxer briefs, could call that strategy into question. The retailer introduced the budget-conscious brand on Thursday with nearly 400 products, mostly essentials and apparel, priced mostly […]

What were the 20 highest priced Tazewell County home sales in 2023?

With 2023 in the rear view mirror, the final numbers are in. Morton and Washington were consistent mainstays throughout the year when it came to Tazewell County’s most expensive home sales. It is therefore no surprise that the two communities contributed 16 addresses between them for the 20 most expensive homes sold in the county […]

A downturn is coming in the first half, and investors should eye these 3 sectors that have already priced in a recession, Deutsche Bank’s stock chief says

Bloomberg A downturn is coming, and investors should eye three sectors that have priced it in, Binky Chadha told CNBC. Consumer cyclicals, financials, and materials have priced in a potential recession, the Deutsche Bank stock strategist said. “If a lot’s already priced in, then if it happens, the risk-reward is still positive. “ Some sectors […]