Tag: predictable

The predictable miracle of the solar eclipse

A remarkable image circulated on social media this week. It showed a narrow strip of America where Airbnbs were fully booked on Sunday. Call it the Miracle Belt — the places where, for a few minutes on Monday, weather permitting, the solar eclipse will be seen in eerie and glorious totality. It is a miracle, […]

Super Tuesday’s predictable outcome guarantees stark choice in November

Super Tuesday brought few surprises in the presidential race: Joe Biden and Donald Trump won state after state, pushing their delegate totals closer to what they each need to secure their party’s nomination. Related: Super Tuesday key takeaways: protest vote, low turnout and far-right machinations Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador, […]

Jamie Dimon believes U.S. debt is the ‘most predictable crisis’ in history—and experts say it could cost Americans their homes, spending power and national security

In the late 19th century Alexander Hamilton wrote “national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.” A nice idea in theory, but America’s governments since then haven’t quite stuck to the plan. Instead, the U.S. economy is resting atop a public debt exceeding $34 trillion, with its debt-to-GDP ratio […]