Tag: politician

The Greatest Book a Politician Ever Wrote

The bellhop at the Orlando hotel delivered a large red bag to the Cypress Penthouse, where he was met at the door by a woman in a green-and-white dress with a green-and-white “Shevin for Governor” sash around her neck. It was Myrna Shevin, the wife of Florida’s attorney general, and she did not look happy. […]

Leading far-right politician on trial in Germany for Nazi slogan

A leading member of Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party went on trial on Thursday for using a banned Nazi slogan, as hundreds demonstrated outside the courtroom against his party’s policies. The AfD chairman in the state of Thuringia, Björn Höcke, is in court in the eastern city of Halle to face allegations that […]

TikTok limits reach of videos by leading far-right German politician

TikTok, the short video platform, has limited the reach of leading Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Maximilian Krah. Krah, who is the far-right AfD’s lead candidate for the European elections in June, confirmed to dpa that the Chinese online firm had prevented his videos showing up for users who do not follow him. He also […]

Supporters of arrested Indian opposition politician protest in New Delhi

NEW DELHI (AP) — Supporters of an anti-corruption crusader and one of India’s most consequential politicians of the last decade in India held protests Friday against his arrest, which opposition parties say is part of a crackdown by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government before national elections. Arvind Kejriwal, who is New Delhi’s top elected official, […]

Thaksin Picked as Most Influential Thai Politician in Survey

(Bloomberg) — Thailand’s former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was picked as the nation’s most influential politician after he was freed from detention under a special parole, according to a survey. Most Read from Bloomberg Nearly 43% of the respondents chose Thaksin, according to a nationwide poll of 1,310 people conducted by the National Institute of […]

NY politician, social media users decry rumored move

A rumored change in pricing at fast food giant Wendy’s based on a company announcement earlier this month had social media users in an uproar Thursday. Wendy’s proposed dynamic pricing model was construed by many as surge pricing, which is the increase in prices as demand goes up. New York Assemblymember Kenny Burgos, who represents […]

Pakistan politician Jhagra refutes false gun attack rumours

A senior politician from the party of Pakistan’s ex-prime minister Imran Khan has rejected rumours circulating online that he was hospitalised after a gun attack days after losing his seat in the country’s recent elections. Taimur Saleem Khan Jhagra posted on February 14, 2024 that he was “fine” and “at home”. A police spokesperson in […]