Tag: Pleiades

The moon visits the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades tonight

Two of the most popular sights in the night sky will join up tonight in a gorgeous pairing. The four-day-old waxing crescent moon will be positioned just below the Pleiades star cluster, also known as Messier 45 or simply M45. The two will be separated by around just 3 degrees, equal to a few finger […]

See the moon meet up with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades tonight

The moon will meet up with the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades star cluster, on Friday (Feb. 16), also displaying a rare optical feature on its surface that can be seen with telescopes. The half-illuminated 7-day-old moon will be in its first quarter phase as it encounters the Pleiades star cluster, also known as Messier 45 […]