Tag: physics

What is emergent gravity, and will it rewrite physics?

In 2009, theoretical physicist Erik Verlinde proposed a radical reformulation of gravity. In his theory, gravity is not a fundamental force but rather a manifestation of deeper hidden processes. But in the 15 years since then, there hasn’t been much experimental support for the idea. So where do we go next? Emergence is common throughout […]

Colliding neutron stars hint at new physics that could explain dark matter

The collision of two neutron stars around 130 million light-years from Earth, and the unique physics this merger created, may have shed new light on dark matter. New research conducted by Washington University physicist Bhupal Dev suggests the neutron star merger, detected here on Earth as the gravitational wave signal GW170817, could help place constraints […]

New technology allows archaeologists to use particle physics to explore the past

Naples, Italy — Beneath the honking horns and operatic yelling of Naples, the most blissfully chaotic city in Italy, archeologist Raffaella Bosso descends into the deafening silence of an underground maze, zigzagging back in time roughly 2,300 years. Before the Ancient Romans, it was the Ancient Greeks who colonized Naples, leaving behind traces of life, […]

Rockford is a home for physics excellence and women in STEM

I moved to Rockford involuntarily in 2013. My entire life and plan for my life was a vision of physics education in the Chicago suburbs — the home of two national labs, Fermi Lab and Argonne, the homes of discoveries like the proton and solar wind and or course the atomic bomb and even the […]

Weird particle physics stories that blew our minds in 2023

The past year was a big win for particle physics, as experiments and nature conspired to produce some truly stunning results. Here are the biggest stories about the smallest particles from 2023. 1. Here comes the sun goddess An illustration showing a cosmic ray hitting the Telescope Array experiment’s detectors. In 1992, astronomers were stunned […]