Tag: perilous

In Colombia, a long, perilous romance to save the harpy eagle

Wounded and wary, the young couple appear to be into each other: their arranged romance, years in the making, is aimed at preserving the rapidly disappearing harpy eagle, one of the world’s largest raptors. In an immense dome in Colombia, biologists have recreated a tropical rainforest where they have slowly introduced the monogamous birds, hoping they […]

The perilous past and promising future of a toxic but nourishing crop

The three staple crops dominating modern diets – corn, rice and wheat – are familiar to Americans. However, fourth place is held by a dark horse: cassava. While nearly unknown in temperate climates, cassava is a key source of nutrition throughout the tropics. It was domesticated 10,000 years ago, on the southern margin of the […]

UN sees ‘perilous precedent’ in UK’s Rwanda deportation law

Heads of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Tuesday called on Britain to reconsider its new law facilitating the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda. The bill passed on Monday significantly restricts the possibility of resisting deportation – even if migrants are exposed to risks in the process, UNHCR head Filippo Grandi […]