Tag: Patients

For terminal patients, dying in California may get easier

SACRAMENTO, California — California could become home to the nation’s most sweeping assisted dying policies with a new bill that would allow dementia patients and out-of-state residents to end their lives here. First, the proposal will have to overcome opposition from the state’s influential religious and disability rights groups. It could also face pushback from […]

Some cancer patients can find it hard to tell family and friends

Ever since Anthony Bridges found out he had prostate cancer six years ago, he hasn’t stopped talking about it. He told his Facebook friends immediately. Now, the 68-year-old man from Georgia spends time working with others to encourage other men to talk to their doctor about getting screened. Not everyone is as eager to share, […]

Some cancer patients can find it hard to tell family and friends

Ever since Anthony Bridges found out he had prostate cancer six years ago, he hasn’t stopped talking about it. He told his Facebook friends immediately. Now, the 68-year-old man from Georgia spends time working with others to encourage other men to talk to their doctor about getting screened. Not everyone is as eager to share, […]

South Korea Doctors’ Walkout Leaves Patients in Limbo

(Bloomberg) — Lee Kyung-ja’s sister is caught in the middle of a labor dispute between South Korean doctors and the government, and her life is at risk. Most Read from Bloomberg “This walkout is driving me mad,” said Lee, a 70-year-old visitor to a local hospital in Cheongju, thinking of her sister who has been […]