Tag: particles

‘More likely to be … spread by wind than soil particles’

New research shows that wind carries microplastics from wastewater at far higher levels than scientists initially thought. As the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering reported, the microplastics studied came from agricultural fields using treated sewage sludge as fertilizers. The UCLA study also revealed that these pollutants harm humans when inhaled. What’s happening? Sanjay Mohanty, an […]

China’s Chang’e 6 spacecraft finds long-sought particles on far side of the moon

A European experiment aboard China’s Chang’e 6 mission has recorded previously undetected charged particles on the moon’s surface, a catalog of which enables astronomers to better probe the chemical makeup of the moon’s regolith. These particles, which are essentially gases excited by sunlight, were detected at the landing spot of the Chang’e-6 spacecraft in the […]