Tag: pals

First graders learning through writing to pen pals

OAKVILLE, Mo. – First grade students at Rogers Elementary School have been focusing their lessons on writing skills, increasing their vocabulary, and strengthening their grammar over several months through writing to pen pals. “They have really loved this project. This has given them a real purpose for their writing and given them a real opportunity […]

How Trump’s Dictator Pals Might Get Him Back to the White House

Donald Trump has overtly taken the side of dictators including Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Viktor Orbán, and Kim Jong Un over the past eight years, most likely because he admires the way each has crushed efforts toward democracy and ruled their respective nations with an iron fist. Now U.S. intelligence agencies say their big worry […]

Putin’s Pals Link Death of Alexei Navalny to Tucker Carlson Interview

Alexei Navalny, the most formidable critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his corrupt circles, who survived a poisoning and endured brutal persecution for years, died in the “Polar Wolf” Arctic penal colony. The Federal Penitentiary Service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District claimed that Navalny “felt unwell” after he went on a walk and “almost […]