Tag: Organic

Scientists Find Organic Matter in Sample From Distant Asteroid

Cometary Gates Researchers have discovered “cometary organic matter” while studying samples from Ryugu, a near-Earth asteroid that was visited by Japan’s Hayabusa 2 spacecraft in 2018. The mission returned samples to Earth in December 2020, giving scientists potentially invaluable insights into the origins of life on Earth, which some researchers now believe may have been […]

‘Magic islands’ on Saturn’s moon Titan may be like icebergs of organic material

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. The disappearing “magic islands” on Saturn’s largest moon Titan have intrigued scientists since NASA’s Cassini mission spotted them during flybys a decade ago. Now, researchers believe they have unraveled the phenomenon’s secrets. The ephemeral features were […]