Tag: orbiter

NASA moon orbiter spots Chinese lander on lunar far side (photo)

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has taken its first look at China’s Chang’e 6 spacecraft on the moon’s far side. The Chang’e 6 lander is flanked by two craters similar in size to it and is on the edge of a much more subtle crater about 165 feet (50 meters) wide, reports Mark Robinson, the […]

A massive, icy Mars crater stares up at a Red Planet orbiter (image)

A massive Mars impact crater dominates a new view from the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). The result of an ancient asteroid impact, the crater is located in Mars‘ Utopia Planitia. That’s the largest known impact basin in the entire solar system, with a diameter of roughly 2,050 miles (3,300 kilometers), or  twice the size […]

Orbiter Spots “Spiders” on Surface of Mars

Martian Creepy Crawlers The European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter has spotted “spiders” on the Red Planet’s southern polar region. But they’re not the arachnids we fear or adore back on Earth — they’re the result of a complex geological process that causes carbon dioxide to sublimate, digging up darker material from below the surface […]

NASA moon orbiter beams laser off Indian lander in historic 1st

Reflect on this! NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) recently bounced a laser off India’s Vikram moon lander, marking a space-communications first. Vikram touched down near the lunar south pole on Aug. 23, 2023 on India’s pioneering Chandrayaan-3 mission, which also included a rover named Pragyan. Vikram carried on its body the tiny NASA Laser Retroreflector […]