Tag: occupiers

Columbia protester mocked after asking for food for occupiers

A pro-Palestine protester at Columbia has provoked ridicule after she demanded the university helps give food to activists who are occupying parts of the campus. The protester, who is part of a group illegally occupying Hamilton Hall at the prestigious New York university, told reporters outside the building on Tuesday that the university should allow […]

As the IDF searches for Hamas’ tunnels in Gaza, archeologists in Israel uncover an ancient labyrinth used by rebel Jews against Roman occupiers

Archaeologists are excavating a 2000-year-old network of tunnels in Israel. The labyrinth, found in Huqoq, was used by Jews in revolt against the Roman Empire. The archeological discovery echoes some of the Israel-Hamas conflict issues. Archeologists in Israel have uncovered a huge labyrinth used by Jewish rebels to hide from the Roman legions, Reuters reports. […]

Pomsta Brigade border guards capture three occupiers – photo

Border guards from the Pomsta (Revenge) Brigade of the Offensive Guard of Ukraine have captured three Russian soldiers in Luhansk Oblast. Source: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Details: The captives are a conscript from the Russian city of Ryazan, a professional soldier and unit commander from Pskov, and a migrant worker from Grozny – […]

Ukrainian defenders have killed over 380,000 Russian occupiers

Russia continues to suffer losses in its war of aggression against Ukraine, as Ukraine’s Defence Forces killed 990 Russian soldiers and destroyed 16 armoured combat vehicles and 15 artillery systems over the past day alone. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The total combat losses of the Russian forces […]

Occupiers terrorize locals with surveys, mayor reveals disturbing tactics

Russians are conducting telephone surveys on socio-political topics among local residents in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov reported on Telegram on Jan. 21. “The occupiers are terrorizing residents on the phone,” Fedorov wrote. Read also: Russia decides to hold “presidential elections” in the occupied territories of Ukraine Residents of temporarily […]

Attacks on occupiers in Crimea will continue – Ukraine’s intelligence chief

Ukraine will continue conducting operations in temporarily occupied Crimea in order to destroy Russian logistics, Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, Head of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), has said. Source: Budanov in a comment for the Financial Times; DIU Quote: “Our units repeatedly entered Crimea [last year]. Our special forces will continue conducting active operations.” Details: […]

Ukrainian defenders kill over 360,000 Russian occupiers

Russia continues to suffer losses in its war of aggression against Ukraine. Over the past 24 hours alone, the Defence Forces killed 780 Russian occupiers and destroyed 18 artillery systems and six tanks. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook Details: The total combat losses of Russian troops between 24 February […]

Ukraine eliminates 800 more Russian occupiers over 24 hours

Ukraine eliminated 790 Russian occupiers over the last 24 hours, according to the General Staff report on Dec. 27. Total Russian losses since the full-scale invasion began in Feb. 2022 are now as follows: Personnel: 355,750 (+ 790) Tanks: 5913 (+ 14) units Combat armored vehicles: 10973 (+ 17) units; Artillery systems: 8376 (+ 10) […]