NOAA reports monk seal pup at Kaimana Beach has weaned

JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO@STARADVERTISER.COM Hawaiian monk seal pup Pa‘aki frolics on the beach with mother Kaiwi in Waikiki on May 21. 1/1 JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO@STARADVERTISER.COM Hawaiian monk seal pup Pa‘aki frolics on the beach with mother Kaiwi in Waikiki on May 21. The Hawaiian monk seal pup named Pa‘aki by students, has weaned after […]

NOAA issues highest-ever May forecast for the coming hurricane season

In the highest hurricane season forecast they have ever issued in May, forecasters with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday that the coming months may be exceptionally busy. “The forecast for named storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes is the highest NOAA has ever issued for the May outlook,” Rick Spinrad, the agency’s administrator, […]

NOAA expects below-normal hurricane season in central Pacific

The first outlook for the 2024 hurricane season in the central Pacific has been released, and for Hawaiian residents, a developing La Niña is expected to dictate how busy the season will be. NOAA’s Central Pacific Hurricane Center, in coordination with the agency’s Climate Prediction Center, expects 1-4 tropical cyclones to traverse the ocean, which […]

Abnormally hot summer expected for New York in latest NOAA forecast

(NEXSTAR) – New predictions for the summer season, released by NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center this week, show weather is likely to heat up in almost every corner of the United States. The forecast, which covers June, July and August, indicates nearly every U.S. state with leaning toward a hotter-than-normal summer season. The highest chances are […]

World’s coral reefs hit by a fourth mass bleaching event, NOAA says

Extreme ocean heat is causing a mass bleaching event in coral reefs across the globe, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA on Monday declared that a “4th global coral bleaching event” was taking place and that bleaching had been documented over the last 14 months in every major ocean basin, including off […]

Coral reefs suffer fourth global bleaching event, NOAA says

By Gloria Dickie and Alison Withers (Reuters) – Along coastlines from Australia to Kenya to Mexico, many of the world’s colorful coral reefs have turned a ghostly white in what scientists said on Monday amounted to the fourth global bleaching event in the last three decades. At least 54 countries and territories have experienced mass […]

Exclusive-World on brink of fourth mass coral reef bleaching event, NOAA says

By Gloria Dickie LONDON (Reuters) – The world is on the verge of a fourth mass coral bleaching event which could see wide swathes of tropical reefs die, including parts of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said. Marine biologists are on high alert following months of record-breaking ocean […]