Tag: Nigeria

Soldiers among 11 killed by separatist militants in southeast Nigeria

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Militants enforcing a separatist lockdown in Nigeria’s southeastern region attacked security forces deployed to restore order, killing five soldiers and six civilians during a shootout, the Nigerian military said Friday. The soldiers were attacked on Thursday at a checkpoint in Abia state’s Aba town where the separatists were enforcing a lockdown […]

Canon launches Women Who Empower campaign in Nigeria to combat gender inequality in the visual arts

Canon Central and North Africa has teamed up with Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR) to launch the Women Who Empower Women campaign across Nigeria. The initiative aims to uplift and empower women in the imaging and print industries, offering workshops, networking events, and mentorship programs with Canon representatives and industry professionals. International Women’s Day, which […]

Outrage as Nigeria changes national anthem

Some Nigerians have expressed outrage after the country’s national anthem was changed with little consultation. President Bola Tinubu on Wednesday signed into law the bill to revert to Nigeria’s old national anthem which was dropped by a military government in 1978. The newly re-adopted anthem, which begins “Nigeria, We Hail Thee,” was written by Lillian […]

Is Nigeria on the right track after a year of Tinubu?

Nigerians love their football but it is no longer the main topic of conversation for many. On the first anniversary of the Bola Tinubu presidency, Abubakar Sheka, who sells bread on the streets of the northern city of Kano, says that his customers’ primary focus is now on what they can afford to buy. “Football […]

Orphans married off in Nigeria after mass wedding outcry

At least 100 young women, including many orphans, have been married off in separate ceremonies in Nigeria, following widespread outrage in the country. Friday’s event was initially meant to be a mass wedding, but Women’s Affairs Minister Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye filed a court order to stop it, fearing that some girls were underage. She went back […]

Mass wedding for Nigeria orphans sparks outcry

The planned mass wedding of about 100 orphans has sparked widespread outrage across Nigeria. The orphans, some of whom are feared to be underage girls, are set to be married off on 24 May in the north-western state of Niger. They have all lost parents to attacks by armed bandits, who regularly target civilians across […]

Worshippers locked in Nigeria mosque and set on fire

At least 11 worshippers have been killed and dozens others injured after a man attacked a mosque in Nigeria’s northern Kano state, police say. A man allegedly sprayed the mosque with petrol and locked its doors before setting it on fire, trapping about 40 worshippers, they said. The attack was triggered by a family dispute […]