Tag: Nepalis

Russia has recruited up to 15,000 Nepalis to fight against Ukraine – CNN

Russia has recruited about 15,000 Nepali citizens for the war against Ukraine, CNN and Nepali opposition lawmaker and former foreign minister Bimala Rai Paudyal have reported. Source: CNN Details: “Numerous sources” told CNN that about 15,000 Nepali men joined the Russian army after the Russian government announced a lucrative package for foreign soldiers last year. […]

Russia recruits 15,000 Nepalis to fight in Ukraine

Russian army recruited 15,000 Nepalis to fight against Ukraine, CNN reported on Feb. 11, citing multiple sources. As Russian casualties on the battlefield mount, the government in Moscow has announced the recruitment of foreigners into its army for a salary of $2,000 and quickly obtaining Russian citizenship. Meanwhile, the Nepali government claims only about 200 […]

Nepal asks Russia to send back Nepalis recruited to fight in Ukraine

Nepal has asked Russia to send back hundreds of Nepali nationals who were recruited to fight against Ukraine and repatriate the bodies of those who died in the conflict, Nepal’s top diplomat said on Thursday. The Russian army is estimated to have recruited more than 200 Nepali nationals to fight in Ukraine and at least […]