Tag: neglect

Utah bill would allow clergy to report abuse or neglect

A Utah legislator unveiled a proposal on Tuesday that he says strikes a balance between clergy-penitent privilege for religious confessions and the need to report suspected abuse. The bill, HB432, introduced by freshman lawmaker Rep. Anthony Loubet, R-Kearns, and sponsored by Sen. Mike McKell, R-Spanish Fork, in the Senate, would amend the state’s child abuse […]

Felony gross child neglect charge lodged against Pax woman

Jan. 19—A Pax woman was charged with a felony after utility workers reported they found a toddler alone on the side of the road on Friday, Jan. 19. According to a press release from Fayette County Sheriff Mike Fridley, the child was wearing no shoes or jacket and was standing in the snow. The workers […]

Indiana says 61 child deaths in 2022 result of abuse or neglect

Jan. 2—A new report from the state shows the Indiana Department of Child Services investigated 308 child deaths in 2022 and determined 61 of those deaths were a result of abuse or neglect. The Annual Report of Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities in Indiana details the circumstances leading to each fatality, and the report highlights […]

‘Lost’ ancient Roman palace reopens after 50 years of neglect

After 50 years of neglect, Rome’s “lost” imperial palace Domus Tiberiana has reopened as an open-air museum. Until recently a crumbling and off-limits ruin near the famous Colosseum, the Domus Tiberiana palace — built in the first century AD and beloved by Nero — hopes to once again take its place as one of the […]